Today, our volunteers gave information about Carbon Footprint and made Carbon Footprint calculation for individuals.
What does carbon footprint mean?
Carbon footprint refers to the amount in ton equivalent of all greenhouse gases (CO2), including carbon dioxide gas, emitted into the atmosphere by our daily activities and consumption.
In simpler terms, it can also be called the numerical equivalent of the damage we cause to nature.
Many factors from transportation to the heaters we burn for heating, the food we cook and even the electricity we spend have an impact on the formation of carbon footprint.
Many species that cannot keep up with changing climate conditions are in danger of extinction. Accordingly, it is only a matter of time before the ecological balance is disrupted. In short, we are on the brink of a major global crisis and we must act now.
Reducing our carbon footprint should be our most urgent agenda today, both individually and socially.
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint for our future starting today?